Your benefits

Work-life management –
success for your personnel policy

Work-life management - success for your personnel policy

Exclusively for companies, we offer complete solutions for family service, life advice, relocation service and company health promotion. This way we can relieve your employees in all situations. We also advise on opportunities for professional work-life management in the company.

A partnership with benefit [at] work provides a decisive advantage in the recruiting competition for qualified specialists and managers. In addition, your employees perceive you as a modern and attractive employer. And that pays off - in the literal sense: Numerous studies have shown that family-friendly measures bring cost savings.

As a company, by establishing family-friendly offers you can expect an average return on investment (ROI) of 25%. And this can be proven: at the latest with the study "Business effects of family-friendly measures" (Prognos AG, 2002). The economic benefits for Germany were also evdidenced. The model calculation of the Prognos study showed that family-friendly measures confered a return on investment (ROI) of 25% through the introduction of family-friendly measures (reduction of bridging costs by 13%, fluctuation and replacement costs by 31% and reintegration costs by 33% ).


This is how you benefit from a family-friendly personnel policy

[ Competitive advantage in the recruitment of qualified specialists and managers
[ Saving potential: Lower costs for recruiting, bridging, reintegration, productivity losses, absenteeism and sick leave
[ Stronger identification of employees with the company
[ Increased productivity through a better balance between professional and private life
[ Image improvement through innovative, family-friendly corporate policy


Ihre Vorteile auf einen Blick

[ Ein unternehmensspezifisches, bedarfsgerechtes Angebot
[ Ein umfassendes Service- und Informationsangebot für alle Mitarbeiter
[ Alles aus einer Hand nach höchsten Qualitätsstandards
[ Ein bedienerfreundliches Serviceportal
[ Individuelle, persönliche und unabhängige Beratung
[ Einfache, unbürokratische Abrechnung zu einem optimalen Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis

[ Komfortable Lösungen für Ihre Mitarbeiter

Durch Kooperationen mit ausgewählten Experten können wir Ihre Mitarbeiter mit unserem Know-How professionell unterstützen: von der Entlastung in der Alltagsbewältigung, in der persönlichen Beratung in Krisensituationen bis hin zur Burnoutprävention durch zertifizierte Gesundheitskurse.

[ Unser Serviceportal öffnet Ihnen die Tür zur digitalen Welt der Dienstleistung:
Welche Unterstützung Ihre Mitarbeiter auch suchen, auf unserem Serviceportal finden sie schnell, unbürokratisch und auf einen Blick die individuell passende Lösung.

Dabei legen wir großen Wert auf Exklusivität. Ausschließlich Vertragspartner haben Zugriff auf das Portal.

[ Unser Service-Center

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