We empower

your employees

We support your employees in all situations, keep their backs free and stand by them in difficult phases

In addition to professional qualifications, you also want creativity, commitment and motivation from your employees, a pleasant working atmosphere and a team that stays on course and stands together even in difficult times. Most employees also want such a working environment, but for this to succeed, the individual framework conditions of the individual personalities must also be right. We help your employees to set themselves up in such a way that they can develop their potential at work in the best possible way.

The support an employee needs is very individual and depends on their life situation and personal circumstances. Expectant parents, families with a home care case, young professionals facing their first management role, colleagues in separation situations, financial difficulties or with health problems or simply burdened by the multitude of everyday tasks to be completed, from household chores to visits to the authorities - everyone needs advice, expertise and active support from time to time. This is exactly why we are ready to help you and your employees in all situations, personally, individually and, if desired, in strict confidence.

The benefits of supporting your employees

Employee retention, higher productivity, cost reduction and competitive advantages in the labor market

With the benefit at work service, you increase your attractiveness as an employer and improve your position in the competition for qualified specialists and managers.

You also benefit directly from less downtime and more motivation, commitment and creativity on the part of your employees.

  • Your employees have access to a comprehensive range of services and information - all from a single source and to the highest quality standards.
  • Services and appointments can be booked directly via an online portal and personal meetings can be arranged at any time.
  • Employees achieve a better balance between their professional and private lives.
  • Significant savings can be achieved through reduced absenteeism, lower sickness rates and greater employee loyalty.
  • Employees who are free from private worries are more committed to their work, are more creative and make fewer mistakes at work.
  • You will become an all-round more attractive employer for your employees, your employees will become more creative, more productive and develop a pleasant working atmosphere.

This is how you work with us.

The collaboration

If you would like to make our life coaching available to your employees, we will conclude a framework agreement with a fixed annual flat rate.

The amount of the flat rate depends on the number of employees and the scope of the services to which your employees are to have access. The important thing is:

  • There are no additional costs for you as a company.
  • All services are completely free of charge for your employees.
  • Your employees receive company-specific access to our portal with an overview of all available services.
  • Every employee can select the services they need around the clock and book them with a single click.
  • All employees can access numerous lectures on a wide range of topics at any time and are regularly invited to live lectures.

Would you like to find out more about our service?

Write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Or request a non-binding quote directly here.